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To be considered chronic, studies 7 sets of 1 repetition per week, lasting 60-90 min.

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Two of the 3 studies included a control group for analysis. As such, there is a general understanding that neural adaptations i. The sprint EXP group realised improvements in eccentric hamstring strength and sprint performance, namely maximum speed 30�40 m Hammami et al. Duration: 8 weeks, 2 sessions per week EXP group: sliding single leg curl 6�8 s eccentric tempo , 5 single-leg balance variations and 4 core-muscle exercises EXP group progression: 2 sets of 6 repetitions increasing to 4 sets of 10 repetitions, 1�2 min rest between sets EXP and CON groups continued normal soccer specific training 4�5 training sessions, plus one game per week.